
Buying Authentic and Replica Designer Handbags Online


If you intend to buy authentic and replica designer handbags online, you need to take necessary steps to ensure that what you are getting are quality handbags and not getting yourself duped in the process.

The first thing you need to do is to watch for photographs of the handbags on offer. If there is only one photo, you should skip and look for another one. A lack of photographs not only looks suspicious but it does not give you a chance to really look at the handbag you intend to buy.

The best ones include those that show the handbag on offer at all angles. This way you get to look at the tell-tale signs of an authentic designer or replica handbag by looking at things like serial numbers, zippers and designer logos. Also, look out for the stitching and difference in colors.


Do not be fooled by the price either. A handbag which looks cheap will probably be priced cheap as well. Perhaps adding another 50 dollars for another bag you see can let you have something that is of a better quality. Authentic handbags usually do not come cheap while replica designer bags or purses can save you a lot of money while still looking like the real thing. The only thing is getting duped to buy non-quality bags.

If you find a bag which you like very much but only shows one photo and having vague descriptions, you can always ask the seller a question as some of these sellers are genuinely selling their collection of handbags but just do not know how to project their message across online. It does not hurt to ask them either and from their response they could probably send you some more pictures and more detailed descriptions of the handbag trying to sell.


There are online retailers which only show you original catalogue pictures of the bags which tell that they are either lazy or not genuine. Refrain from buying from them and go to another seller. You do not want to receive a handbag which appears different from the one you see online. Some of these sellers merely use the original catalogue photos to entice you to buy but in the end you do not get what you wanted.

Buying authentic and replica designer handbags online can be a fun and mesmerizing experience but you have to ensure you take some time to do a little homework which can save you from a lot of trouble later however do not let this hamper your online buying experience. It beats going to the mall anytime.
